SAMS Radio One
For the latest in music, local news, current affairs and interviews - we have it all as it happens
The Sentinel
The Sentinel is St Helena's leading Newspaper released every Thursday both printed and available online.
Photo and Video
Our photography and videography services allows us to capture your memories of that special day.
How to listen to SAMS Radio 1
High Knoll
Blue Hill
The Sentinel
The weekly print and online download for St Helena and her community
The Sentinel Newspaper is released and printed every Thursday.
Our subscribers receives a full color issue immediated after it is published, we then upload a full color version for online viewing.
Each week the Sentinel publishes accurate news and information from around the Island covering events, current affairs and everything that makes good reading including local job vacancies and local sports.
How to find us.
The Media Centre
The Castle Garden. Jamestown
St Helena STHL 1ZZ
T : +290 22727